PO. Sahaalah merupakan perusahaan oto bus yang bergerak dibidang transportasi Antar Kota Antar Provinsi (AKAP) dan Divisi Pariwisata
Komisaris : H. Nur Salim
Direktur Utama : Nava’atul Fadillah
Direktur Operasional : Ammar Migdad
Manager : Rifka Marissa Tasbih
Ops. Lapangan : Awaludin Rifan
Ops. Marketing Pariwisata : Nur Ubaidi Rohman
Intro Video
What we can do for you
Logistics is generally the detailed organization and implementation of a complex operation. In a ecos general business sense, logistics.
Logistics is generally the detailed organization and implem entation of a complex operation. In a general business sense, logistics is the management of the flow of things between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet requirements of customers or corporations.
Over the years, a wide range of developments and innovations in the global IT arena have led to many new IT-enabled devices and services being produced. Moreover, there is need for IT today as well. Countries and populations that are led by the growing.
PO. Sahaalah memberikan pelayanan terbaik dengan menghadirkan unit terbaru yang memanjakan penumpang. Yakni unit terbaru besutan Laksana “Suites Class”
Berbagai fitur dalam bus Sahaalah pastinya telah memenuhi standart, mulai dari sistem kelistrikan, fasilitas dispenser, entertainment dsb. Kami pastikan